I love this quote and as a bonus, I have found it to be oh so true. I just finished a conversation with a friend who has been going through a trying year. There were many times that all I could offer was a sincere "hang in there. Things will fall into place." She was so happy tonight. I could hear it in her voice. I must have said it so many times as the months wore on because that is the first thing she said as she was sharing her excitement. She called specifically to tell me about the wonderful turn her situation had taken and she didn't hesitate to remind me, "You said it would fall into place if I was just patient. I can't believe it. Thank you for getting me through that awful time."
It may sound cliche, but I really believe that , "This too shall pass." It is hard to imagine sometimes when you are right in the middle of an unpleasant experience but somehow WE CAN AND DO come out the other side.
So hang in there! Good things are on the way! Enjoy your week!