Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Turkey Tetrazzini

I discovered a delicious recipe enhancer by accident. As I was making my traditional turkey tetrazzini after Thanksgiving, I realized I was out of the chicken broth required. I DID NOT want to go to the grocery store so I scoured my pantry for a hidden source of chicken broth. No luck. I did, however, find a possible alternative and, hey, I was desperate! To my great delight, the substitution of chicken broth with Thai coconut curry infused chicken broth was wonderful. I used a recipe from allrecipes.com  with adjusted quantities to match the amount of Turkey I had leftover.

Turkey Tetrazzini

5 cups cooked turkey in bite size pieces
1 box fettucini pasta (cooked and drained according to directions)
1/2 cup chopped green onions
1/2 cup baby bella mushrooms
1/4 cup flour
1 cup Thai coconut curry chicken broth
1/4 cup broth to reheat
1 cup heavy cream
salt and pepper to taste
4Tbs butter

Melt butter in a large pan. Saute mushrooms and onions until tender (about 3 minutes)
Add flour and stir until paste
Add liquid (stir until well blended and a creamy consistency)
Add turkey and pasta
Mix and serve immediately. If you are serving later, add entire mixture to a lightly sprayed (canola oil) baking dish. When you are ready to eat, add 1/4 cup broth and heat until warm

Enjoy your turkey leftovers with this delicious twist on tetrazzini.

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