Thursday, May 30, 2013

Socrates on the Secret of Change

This is a great quote and I've seen a few variations on its theme like , "What you resist persists," "Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change," "And like attracts like."  Mother Theresa has a philosophy that she will never be AGAINST something like war or poverty but will always be FOR positive concepts like peace and prosperity.  This quote reminds me how easy it is to pay attention to the negative but how anti-productive that activity may be at times. For example, if I am constantly talking or thinking about what I don't like or want about something, there is no room to even see what may be right about the situation. This doesn't leave any space to attract more of the positive.

 An additional misstep may be the worrying that could come with focusing on what is wrong instead of what is right.

Worry is like rocking in a rocking chair. There is plenty of activity but you are not getting anywhere!

Socrates had it right, focus on the positive for a change.  That's some age-old wisdom in my book that still holds true today. Enjoy your day.

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