Sunday, November 11, 2012

A shout out!

I promised optimism and here it is... If it is true that children are our future, I AM  optimistic about that future! I just returned from the State 1A swimming and diving championships (an exciting but logistically challenging event where hundreds of athletes, coaches, families, media and interested parties all gather to participate in a championship event) where emotions are raw, tempers inflamed and nerves awaken. Even though there is potential for negative situations, it is always a wonderful opportunity for learning on many levels. Athletes learn sportsmanship, dealing with elation and disappointment as well as teamwork. As I return to this event yearly, I am reminded of the blessing it is to be part of such an intriguing community. 

I have coached this high school diving team for 13 seasons and love it!  As a bonus , I have always had a great group of kids. What excites me most about these students (and their predecessors) is their inclusiveness. In a world where we hear so much about teen bullying I am thrilled to say that my experience with high schoolers has been the opposite. The diving program is set up so the middle school kids train and compete with the high school age athletes. The ages can range from 12 to 18 years old. I won't say it isn't without its challenges but it is a petri dish for growth. One incident in particular will alway warm my heart. I had a brand new diver (12 year old boy) trying to learn a new dive. He had worked on it all practice and everyone else was finished with their dives. This boy wanted to stay and continue to get the courage to try this dive that was frightening to him. As I was working with him, a senior boy came over to his board to offer support and confidence. He stayed after everyone else had finished to encourage and mentor this new middle school diver. I was so proud of this 18 year old and his leadership.  My feelings about the inherent goodness of these youth was reinforced this weekend when a stranger from a different part of the state approached me and said," not only is your team full of great athletes, they are very nice young people."

 I'm so thankful for the privilege to be their coach. Think of someone you are proud of this week and tell them!

Sharing a meal before the competition
Fun and hard work

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