Sunday, November 25, 2012

They Got Me!

A good friend of mine's daughter would excitedly exclaim the day after Thanksgiving, "Thanksgiving is OVER, It's CHRISTMAS!" We have joked about it every "Black Friday" for years. If you've been shopping this month, I'm sure you have noticed the Holiday music being piped into the shopping areas or the stores kept at a colder temperature to induce the feeling of December. There are so many marketing weapons to induce you into buying earlier and earlier. The one thing I DID decide to make an early decision on was our Christmas tree. My thought was if I am going to the effort and expense to buy and decorate a beautiful tree, I want to enjoy it as long as possible!

I don't know if it was the music or the lower temperature but THEY GOT ME!  I was fortunate enough to have two of my three children home this weekend so my husband and I took our daughters tree shopping. They picked out a beautiful tree that we will bring home the day after Thanksgiving.  It was a nice outing and probably the start of a new tradition! What are some traditions you cherish????

PS... Tree is up. Now comes the hard part- lights!

 We're thinking Christmas!

Rebecca and Annie creating a "Norman Rockwell" moment

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