Friday, November 9, 2012

Comfort Zone


I've been toying with the idea for a while, but I finally decided that it would be a great exercise to intentionally get out of my comfort zone from time to time. Yesterday was the start of the "intentional" experiment.  As a little background I, like probably most of you, was tired of receiving at least five  election calls a day. In fact, I was downright annoyed most of the time when my answer machine was filled with different people urging me to vote for someone or something. I am fairly well versed in political issues and have definite opinions about certain candidates but do not overtly advertise my preferences. I don't wear buttons, put stickers on my car or signs in my yard. Soooo, it really was a stretch when I agreed to go to my favorite political headquarters and work the phone bank. My directions were to call voters in some of the Western states before the polls closed to urge them to vote.

I decided to do it for the experience and I can report that it really was a fun way to spend a couple of hours doing something that was not naturally attractive to me.  More than half the people I called actually answered the phone and were very kind and sometimes funny. After I introduced myself I told them my reason for calling.  My favorite response was, "Yes. I've voted early AND often."  I was surprised at the number of people who were friendly and available at "the poison hour" as I sometimes call the time dinner might be being prepared for families.
Making those calls put me on the "other side" of the line and certainly gave me a new perspective on telemarketers.

I invite you to try a few things outside your comfort zone every now and then. You may learn something fun or at least interesting.

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