Friday, November 2, 2012

Couch cushions freshen up!

I love my couch and love the easy, livable chenille-type fabric that has housed it for a while. I have washed the cushion covers a few times so the lounging couch remains clean and inviting.  A great tip I learned from an upholsterer friend really saved time, frustration and money when I was trying to get the covers back on the cushions after washing them.

Any plastic food wrap works!

You may already know this, but if you don't it could be a keeper in your book of household tips.  Wrap the cushions in a plastic wrap, slide the fabric in place back over the guts, cut the wrap off and then zip the cushion cover. It really is that easy.  A word of caution, make sure your fabric can be washed and not shrink before you embark on freshening up for the holidays!


  1. Great tip. So do you keep the plastic wrap on the cushion even after you put the slip cover back on?

    1. No! You can hear and feel it so I cut it out before I zip up!
