Tuesday, November 20, 2012

How we see the world

We see the world, not as it is but, as we are.
                Stephen R. Covey

I love this observation and am reminded of a story Wayne Dyer tells of a woman who was contemplating a move from her hometown across the country. She was visiting the prospective town and started a conversation with a man who had lived in the town for quite some time. The woman asked the stranger how he liked the town and if the people who lived there were friendly.

 The man responded with his own question, "What are the people like where you are from?"

"Oh, they are very kind and friendly," the woman answered.

"Well, you will love it here. The people are exactly the same, kind and friendly."

The woman thanked the kind man and was confident about her decision to leave her hometown.

A few weeks later, the same man was out and met a couple who were contemplating a move to his community and they asked him what he thought of the town. Again, his response was a question, "What are the people like where you are from?"

"OH," the woman responded without hesitation, "They are dreadful. Everyone I know is rude and unfriendly."

"Well, I am sorry to say that is exactly how you will find the people here, rude and unfriendly."

The couple left convinced they would not move to that town.

What a great illustration of how we view the world makes all the difference in our lives. If we focus on the negative, that is what we will always see. If we choose to see the positive, then that is what we will experience.

Enjoy your day!

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